Alpine based OpenLDAP image with MDB backend and PKCS#5V2 PBKDF2 support
Installs to
slap* tools/etc/openldap
custom modules
docker build -t openldap .
docker run -p 1389:389 openldap
ldapadd -x -H "ldap://localhost:1389" -D "cn=Manager,dc=ripe,dc=net" -W -f import.ldif
ldapsearch -x -H "ldap://localhost:1389" -b "dc=ripe,dc=net" "+"
# Manager,
dn: cn=Manager,dc=ripe,dc=net
structuralObjectClass: organizationalRole
entryUUID: 41635933-d904-4e59-b812-9606d85a0481
creatorsName: cn=Manager,dc=ripe,dc=net
createTimestamp: 20220516091357Z
entryCSN: 20220516091357.950189Z#000000#000#000000
modifiersName: cn=Manager,dc=ripe,dc=net
modifyTimestamp: 20220516091357Z
entryDN: cn=Manager,dc=ripe,dc=net
subschemaSubentry: cn=Subschema
hasSubordinates: FALSE
Can only be imported directly with slapadd
; ldapadd
returns entryUUID: no user modification allowed
. This could be circumvented with the 'Relax Rules Control' that OpenLDAP supports.
slapadd -v -l import.ldif
dn: cn=user,dc=ripe,dc=net
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: user
entryUUID: 19cb4a6f-d04e-43a3-929c-a851bc216378
docker exec -it openldap /bin/sh
slappasswd -o module-load=pw-pbkdf2 -h {PBKDF2} -s secret
vi /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
slapd -d 32767 -u ldap -g ldap Salt size is always 16 bytes, but DK? size varies from 20 for SHA-128 to 64 for SHA-512.
in cwd_user
contains the salt and hash concatenated as a base64 string. The first 16 bytes are the salt, the remaining 32 the hash.
Password: CALYX-zippy-whiten-pinhead Crowd: {PKCS5S2}MW+VUen5ZKtw2xxOljoZKS2A2XO8PTIA9bVMVmjHfy5bG8pXF41muDjOwjp4UBA1 {SSHA}fm0etP9j2tej3FjmFpyK7ZeYuVCMsOo2YUwgtQ== OpenLDAP: {PBKDF2}10000$MW.VUen5ZKtw2xxOljoZKQ$LYDZc7w9MgD1tUxWaMd/Llsbylc
brew install openjdk@11
brew install apache-directory-studio
- File, New, LDAP Connection, Hostname: localhost, Port: 1389, Check Network Parameters, Next
- Bind DN or user: cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com, Bind password: secret, Check Authentication, Finish.
circumvents an Alpine's Ash shell limitation that doesn't allow multiple environment variables to be passed on the command-line. In Bash, the following would work:
RUN FILE="/etc/openldap/slapd.conf" LINE="moduleload\tpasswd-pbkdf2" AFTER="# Load dynamic backend modules:" grep -qxF $LINE $FILE || sed -E 's|($AFTER)|\1\n$LINE|g' $FILE