
VScode SPICE language support

Primary LanguageSourcePawnMIT LicenseMIT

SPICE support for VSCode

SPICE syntax highlighting refenence leoheck/sublime-spice TextMate rules.

Other useful rules reference see: 1995parham/vim-spice

GitHub repos


See also

Seeing SPICE in VSCode Marketplace



  • Syntax highlighting of
    • Comments *|;|&
    • Circuits Elements R|... V|... X|...
    • Expressions abs()|... ""
    • SPICE Commands .subckt|... .tran|...

In progress

  • Divide SPICE Dot Commands into:
    • Hierarcy Block .end|ends|lib|subckt
    • Dot Schematic Command .backanno|global|include|machine|model|net|
    • Dot Simulation Run .ac|dc|four|ic|noise|op|tf|tran
    • Dot Simulation Parameter.func|ferret|loadbias|meas|nodeset|options|param|save|savebias|step|temp|wave
  • Determine name--string of ./syntaxes/SPICE.tmlanguage for mostly used Themes. (reference Themes' .json file's scope&colors)
  • Add support for non-Monokai color themes.
    • support for Dark+ (default dark)

In the future

  • Add snippets support


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/lxTHU/vscode-spice )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request