
This is a GitHub action for scanning Kubernetes deployment files with kube-linter. This includes both the action itself (.github/actions) and sample GitHub workflow (.github/workflows) and a test YAML.

Quick deployment:

  1. Create a new GitHub repo.
  2. Push all files from the sample directory into the repo.
  3. The kube-linter.yml workflow will run as an action every time there's a new push to this repo.

The action takes two parameters.

      - name: Scan repo
        id: kube-lint-repo
        uses: stackrox/kube-linter-action@v1
          directory: yamls
          config: .kube-linter/config.yaml
  • directory is mandatory -- this is the directory of deployment files to scan.
  • config is optional -- this is the path to a configuration file if you wish to use a non-default configuration.