Speech-To-Text (Alpha)

This browser application turns speech, which is recognized by a microphone, into a text, which you can easily work with.

There are some commands you can use:

  • Firma/Unternehmen: you get automatically redirected to an website of your choice e.g. the website of your company
  • Zeit/wie spät ist es?: The application tells you the live-time.
  • test: With this command you can test, if the application works fine.

Commands to be realised in the future:

  • searching some stuff on Wikipedia and reading out loud the first 2-3 sentences of the articel (like "search Electron")
  • current weather information of a town of your choice
  • mobile version
  • BIG PROJECT: sending messages (e.g. emails)
  • playing music from Spotify or some other music playing services
  • better page layout
  • take memos and save them in an .txt file

Feel free to expand the project!

Installation: You don't need to install anything. Only requirement is to use the Google Chrome Webbrowser. Microsoft Edge and Safari could work too, but aren't tested yet. Unfortunately Mozilla Firefox is not supported (you can only type in your commands, but SpeechRecognition does not work). When loading the webstite, you'll get a browser notification, where you have to give full permission of using your microphone to the data/website.

Project will be updated soon!!!


  • 10/22/21 There is no difference between writting commands in lower or upper case anymore.