
A curated collection of Kustomizations.

Primary LanguageShell


A curated collection of components meant to be built/modified using kustomize and applied to Kubernetes clusters.

Project Principles

  • Base kustomizations should:

    • Define a ConfigMap in the kustomization.yaml to configure the application.
    • Implement generic best-practices like:
      • {liveness,readiness} probes.
      • Prometheus scrape annotations.
    • Reference secrets by name, leaving their implementation to the user.
    • Be small, as in deployable to a default minikube cluster.
      • 1 replica where applicable.
    • Use emptyDir volumes where persistent storage is expected.
      • Storage is domain-specific and should be kustomized by the user.
  • Overlay kustomizations should:

    • Represent the most common modifications of a base (highly-available replicas, etc)
    • Serve as examples for user overlays.
  • Bootstrap jobs should:

    • Performs a one-time task.
    • Generates resources that shouldn't be in version control (secrets).
    • Generates resources with names that base kustomizations refer to.