
Wrapper around the Windows WMIC interface for Node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Wrapper around the Windows WMIC interface for Node.js. 解决了中文乱码问题


var wmic = require('wmic');

// equivalent of 'wmic nic get list'
wmic.get_list('nic', function(err, nics) {
  // console.log(err || nics);


wmic.get_value(section, value, conditions, callback)

Returns a single value from wmic, for example to get the hostname:

wmic.get_value('computersystem', 'name', null, function(err, value) {
  console.log(value) // Your Hostname

wmic.get_values(section, value, conditions, callback)

Returns an array of values from wmic, for example to list hard drives:

wmic.get_values('logicaldisk', 'name, volumename', null, function(err, values) {
  console.dir(values) // An array of disks


Written by Tomas Pollak, with the help of contributors.

Small print

(c) Fork Ltd, MIT licensed.