This is a Elixir (mix) test runner for Vim and MacVim.
I recommend using vim-plug
Plug 'c-brenn/mix-test.vim'
There are three functions available for use:
- MixRunCurrentTestFile()
- Runs all of the tests in the current file.
- MixRunLastTest()
- Re-runs the last test.
- MixRunAllTests()
- Runs all of the tests in the project - Vim's working directory must be the root of the project
- MixRunCurrentTest()
- Runs the test under the cursor
Run your tests quickly by mapping these commands.
This plugin was inspired by rspec.vim and I wanted the two to play nicely with other testing plugins. To that end I added two functions that determine whether you are in a Mix project or not so you can have one mapping for running your test/specs.
For example, you can run your Mix tests or Rspec specs depending on the working directory or the current file like so:
map <Leader>t :call TestCurrentFile()<CR>
map <Leader>a :call TestAll()<CR>
function! TestCurrentFile()
if InMixTestFile()
call MixRunCurrentTestFile() " Test runner from this plugin
call RunCurrentSpecFile() " Test runner from rspec.vim
function! TestAll()
if InMixProject()
call MixRunAllTests() " Test runner from this plugin
call RunAllSpecs() " Test runner from rspec.vim
You should use InMixTestFile() before running all the tests in the current file or for running the test under the cursor and use InMixProject() before running all the test in a project or re-running the last test (as it can be rerun from anywhere).
I recommend using dispatch as the test runner.
You can use any command you like by altering mix_test_command
let g:mix_test_command = "Dispatch mix test {test}"
You can also change the default runner to any custom launch script.
There are three provided: one for OSX's terminal and two for iTerm. These can be found in the bin directory.
Alter mix_test_runnner
to change the default runner.
let g:mix_test_runner = "os_x_iterm2"
These runners are really only needed for MacVim running in a GUI.
This is free software, see the LICENSE file.