
All your favourite REPLs inside NeoVim

Primary LanguageVimL


Interact with REPLs and the Shell more easily.

Command Description
Ropen {command} Opens a new or existing REPL. The chosen REPL is based on the current directory and filetype. If given a command, it runs it.
Rdo [command] Sends the given command to the REPL for evaluation (without switching focus to it). Shows the REPL if it was hidden
[range]Rsend Sends the given lines (visual selection) to the REPL for evaluation. Shows the REPL if it was hidden
Rhide Hides the REPL
Rshow Unhides the REPL
Rclear Clears the REPL
Rload Loads the current file into the REPL's context

There is also support for the Shell:

  • Sopen {command}
  • Sdo [command]
  • Sclear
  • Shide
  • Sshow

Supported REPLs

At the moment repel supports:

  • haskell (ghci)
  • ruby (irb)
  • rails (bundle exec rails console)
  • elixir (iex OR iex -S mix)