###NazaConnectivity ####SoftwareModules

#####NazaBLE adds support for Bluetooth Low Energy (BlueGiga BLE112) in order to receive real time stats of NAZA-M V2 chip on any iOS device.

#####NazaGPX adds support for logging your flight in GPX format and view your flight in GoogleEarth.

#####NazaMAVLink adds support for remote communication between your copter and a small base station via the Radio Wireless Telemetry Air 433Mhz module. As it's only using the serial connection you can use any wireless communication module.

#####NazaOLED adds support for dislplaying real time stats on the wireless base station via a small OLED display.

#####NazaSpektrum adds telemetry support for any Spektrum transmitter (like Spektrum DX9). you only have to connect your board to the Spektrum TM-1000 and you get real time stats on your transmitter.

#####F550 Dynamic Flight Data iOS application for connecting to the base station and displaying real time stats. you can also view your gpx files in this application.

####Required Hardware Modules

Arduino - Teensy 3.1

CAN Bus - Breakout Board Pawelsky

MicroSD - Breakout Board Pawelsky

Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE112

Bluetooth Low Energy - Breakout Board

OLED Display - Grove OLED Display

Wireless Module - 3DR Radio Set

Current Sensor - APM Power Module

####Required External Libraries

Many thanks for your effort goes to the developers of the following libraries that made my life much easier:

Pawelsky - NazaCanDecoder

Pedro Villanueva - Teensy 3.0/3.1 ADC implementation

Jeff Rowberg - BGLib implementation for Bluegiga BLE112 Bluetooth Smart module

teachop - Arduino library for CAN on Teensy 3.1

Brian "nox771" - I2C library for Teensy3

Daniel Gilbert - IntervalTimer

The guys from Seed Studio - Seeed OLED Display 128*64 library

The guys from Arduino - SD, EEPROM

The guys from ETH Zurich - MAVLink