- 1
- 0
use container's testlib instead of qtest
#25 opened by c-cube - 6
dune runtest fails
#19 opened by olafhering - 4
Pervasives deprecated
#21 opened by mgrabovsky - 4
Document how to get an infinite `int_range`?
#14 opened by rauschma - 6
#18 opened by nilsbecker - 0
move to dune
#13 opened by c-cube - 1
Upstream BuckleScript support?
#16 opened by ELLIOTTCABLE - 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
META shows version 0.2.4
#10 opened by hcarty - 0
add `peek_n`
#7 opened by c-cube - 3
- 1
Labels version of the signature(s)
#5 opened by smondet