
This role sets up password rotation for the specified user/s using the script and idea from painless-password-rotation
The role will always create a new server token when it is used and therefore it should only be run during onboarding or when changes are required

It is a good idea to use a token role for the server token creation and to give the ansible host only permissions to use this role as this is a more secure way of handling the token creation
Here is an example:

# Create the token role
vault write auth/token/roles/rotate-linux allowed_policies=rotate-linux-policy name=rotate-linux orphan=true renewable=true period=24h
# Give access to the token role in a policy
# ansible-policy
path "auth/token/create/rotate-linux" {
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update"]


  • hashicorp vault setup and reachable
  • vault plugin vault-secrets-gen working
  • 2k/v secret backend mounted at systemcreds
  • hvac pip plugin installed on the ansible host

Role Variables

  • vault_pw_rot_token_ttl: [optional]: Maximum time the server token will live until it will expire
  • vault_pw_rot_base_path: [default: /opt/password-rotation]: Basepath for the environment file and script file
  • vault_pw_rot_env_file: [default: '{{ vault_pw_rot_base_path }}/rotate_linux_password.env']: Path to store the environment file
  • vault_pw_rot_script_file: [default: '{{ vault_pw_rot_base_path }}/rotate_password.sh']: Path to store the script file
  • vault_pw_rot_script_flags: [default: '-t password -l 20 -d 5 -s 0']: Default flags for the script, check painless-password-rotation for details
  • vault_pw_rot_time: [default: 12h]: Default time until the systemd trigger runs the password rotation
  • vault_pw_rot_auth_method: [default: token]: Authentification method used to create the server token
  • vault_pw_rot_url: [required]: URL to the vault server
  • vault_pw_rot_token: [required]: Vault token to use to create the server token, this can also be set differently, check the ansible-collections-community-hashi-vault-vault-token-create-module for details
  • vault_pw_rot_token_namespace: [optional]: Vault namespace to create the token for
  • vault_pw_rot_token_policies: [optional]: Subset of policies for the server token
  • vault_pw_rot_token_role: [optional]: Token role used to create the server token
  • vault_pw_rot_users: [required]: List of dictionaries to specify which users should get their passwords rotated as well as how or when. Example:
  - name: root
  - name: admin
    flags: '-t passphrase -w 10'
    time: 5h


Example Playbook

    - hosts: servers
        vault_pw_rot_url: 'https://vaultserver.domain.com'
        vault_pw_rot_token: 'xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx'
          - name: root
        - hashicorp-vault-password-rotation

Author Information
