This is the draft project where you can start practicing TDD and pair-programming while building a calculator application.
The application can execute an arithmetic expression given as a single command line argument.
You can do it your own way or try to achieve the following tasks.
When it receives no arguments returns a usage help string
When it receives multiple arguments returns a usage help string
When it receives an integer returns it as a result
Can execute an addition expression between two integers
Can execute an addition expression between any number of integers
Can execute an addition expression between any number of floating-point numbers
Can execute an subtraction expression between two integers
Can execute an subtraction expression between any number of integers
Can execute an subtraction expression between any number of floating-point numbers
Can execute a mixed addition and subtraction expression
Can execute a multiplication expression between two integers
Can execute a multiplication expression between any number of integers
Can execute a multiplication expression between any number of floating-point numbers
Can execute a mixed addition, subtraction and multiplication expression
You can continue the exercise adding more functions. E.g.
- division
- brackets
- ...