
Results repo for the jvms-compare benchmarks

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Steps to setup Apache Zeppelin to run Benchmarks

  1. Download Apache Zeppelin

    1. Navigate to: http://zeppelin.apache.org/download.html.

    2. Download the All tar.gz.

    3. For purposes of this demo, I used version 0.8.2 released on Sep 29, 2019

  2. Unzip the tarball onto a local drive to a location that we will refer to as ZEP_DIR.

  3. Modify the JDK used

    1. Edit ZEP_DIR/bin/common.sh

    2. Search for the JAVA_HOME reference and export JDK 8 instance as JAVA_HOME.

    3. In my case, I used JDK 1.8.0_221 export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/oraclejdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home/ at Line 144.

  4. Copy the configuration template to change values

    1. Copy the template file zeppelin-site.xml.template to zeppelin-site.xml under ZEP_DIR/conf

    2. Edit ZEP_DIR/conf/zeppelin-site.xml

    3. Alter the port number for zeppelin.server.port. I altered it to 17780.

    4. [Optional] Alter the port number for zeppelin.server.ssl.port. I altered it to 17443.

  5. Download the note linked: Benchmarks_Final_CSV.json

  6. Launch Zeppelin

    1. Navigate to the ZEP_DIR/bin.

    2. Launch zeppelin daemon: ./zeppelin-daemon.sh start

  7. Open a browser to http://localhost:17780

  8. Import the recently downloaded note (Benchmarks_Mini_CSV.json).

  9. Alter the directory to point to where the benchmark-results directory exists.

  10. Shutdown procedure

    1. Launch a terminal and navigate to ZEP_DIR/bin

    2. Run: ./zeppelin-daemon.sh stop