
🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Update a gist to contain your YTD exercise metrics from Strava

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Update a gist to contain your YTD Strava distances

Previous Work

This repo is based off of matchai's waka-box.


Prep work

  1. Create a new public GitHub Gist (https://gist.github.com/)
  2. Create a GitHub token with the gist scope and copy it. (https://github.com/settings/tokens/new)
  3. Create a Strava Application (https://www.strava.com/settings/api)
    • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Get your Athlete Token by going to https://www.strava.com, click your profile photo in the top right corner. Copy the ID in the url. https://www.strava.com/athletes/12345

Project setup

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Get the refresh token:
    1. Clone this repo locally
    2. Make a copy of sample.env called .env, and add all the tokens/IDs requested (see environment variables section below), excluding the refresh token.
    3. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies to run the project.
    4. Run ./strava-api.js, open the link provided, and click to authorize the app.
    5. The refresh token will be printed to your terminal.
  3. Log into CircleCI with your GitHub (https://circleci.com/vcs-authorize/)
  4. Click on "Add Projects" on the sidebar
  5. Set up a project with the newly created fork
  6. Go to Project Settings > Environment Variables
  7. Add the following environment variables:

Environment variables

When completing a DOTENV file, do not include any spaces or quotes around the codes. E.g. STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=12345

  • GIST_ID: The ID portion from your gist url https://gist.github.com/<github username>/6d5f84419863089a167387da62dd7081.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: The GitHub token generated above.
  • STRAVA_ATHLETE_ID: The ID you got from visiting your profile page.
  • STRAVA_CLIENT_ID: The client ID you got from the Strava API page.
  • STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret you got from the Strava API page.
  • STRAVA_REFRESH_TOKEN: The token from Project Setup, step 2.
  • (optional) UNITS: miles, km, metres or meters