BULLETIN - Boîte à oUtils opérationneLLe pour la prÉvision des impacTs des rIsques Naturels is a toolbox for the operational impact-based forecasting (IBF) of natural hazards.
It consists of different tools for dealing with:
- Meteorological hazards: natively supporting several global meteorological models (NOAA-GFS, DWD-ICON, CMC-GEM, ECMWF) and easy to configure with local deterministic models in netcdf formats allow to assess the impact of forecasted meteorological variables like rainfall, wind and temperature.
- Hydrological hazards: analyse the output of JRC-GLOFAS global open hydrological model or of local implementations of the FloodPROOFS CIMA flood monitoring system to assess the impact-based flood hazard
- Drought hazards: analyse drought indexes provided as geotif files, to assess the impact of droughts
The tools are consistent with the risk definiton provided by UNDRR and allow to perform an impact-based forecast by considering different exposure layers provided as geotiff files.