
wraparound reversi, a reversi variant, with a terminal and discord bot interface. Bots available include MCTS and greedy heuristics.

Primary LanguagePython


The computer plays using a very naively applied MCTS (Monte Carlo Tree Search) from https://gist.github.com/qpwo/c538c6f73727e254fdc7fab81024f6e1.

Wraparound reversi is where the board sorta wraps around.

wraps around

For example, above, X plays at (row, column) = (7,0), flipping (0,1) using the diagonal line (7,0) <--> (0,1) <--> (1,2) <--> ...

Run reversi.py to play.


$ pip install -U discord.py
$ pip install -U python-dotenv

and rama-rama.py to start the discord bot.