
Magic Mirror Module for displaying weather chart

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Hourly Forecast (temperature, weather icons on the top, rain volume on the bottom)


Daily Forecast (max and min temperature, weather icons on the top, rain volume on the bottom)


MagicMirror module for displaying weather forecasts from OpenWeather. Weather forecasts are displayed by using Chart.js, an open-source free library for drawing charts.

This module can work with free OpenWeather API, which only requires to sign up and get an API key.


Clone this repository and place it on MagicMirror module directory.

$ cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
$ git clone https://github.com/mtatsuma/MMM-WeatherChart.git


Configuration Example

   modules: [
            "module": "MMM-WeatherChart",
            "position": "top_right",
            "config": {
                "apiKey": "xxxx",
                "dataNum": 12,
                "dataType": "hourly",
                "height": "500px",
                "width": "800px"
                "lat": 35.571337,
                "lon": 139.633989,
                "units": "metric",

Configuration Options

Options Required Default Description
updateInterval 10 * 60 * 1000 Weather data update interval (miliseconds)
retryDelay 5 * 1000 Delay for retry to get weather data (miliseconds)
apiBase https://api.openweathermap.org/data/ Base URL of OpenWeather API
apiVersion 2.5 Version of OpenWeather API
apiEndpoint onecall OpenWeather API endpoint. One Call API is used by default, which is available for Free subscription. Note: Don't change this option because other endpoint is not supported!
apiKey yes API key to call OpenWeather API. You can get the API key by signing up OpenWeather.
lat yes latitude of the place you want to get weather information
lon yes longitude of the place you want to get weather information
units standard Units of measurement documented in OpenWeather API document. standard, metric and imperial units are available.
chartjsVersion 2.9.3 Version of Chart.js
chartjsDatalablesVersion 0.7.0 Version of Chart.js Datalabels plugin
height 300px Height of the chart area
width 500px Width of the chart area
fontSize 16 Font size of characters in the chart
timeOffsetHours 0 Offset in hours. This is used when your timezone is different from the timezone set in MagicMirror server.
title Weather Forecast Title of the chart to display
iconURLBase https://openweathermap.org/img/wn/ Base URL to get weather icons. By default, icons provided from OpenWeather is used. If you want to use your own icons, you must prepare icon image files whose name is the <icon ID>.png. The icon ID is documented in Weather conditions
dataType hourly Data type to display. hourly or daily is available.
dataNum 24 Number of data to display. When you set this value as larger than the maximum number of data returned from OpenWeather API, the number of data is automatically set as the maximum number of data from OpenWeather API document API.
nightBorderDash [5, 1] Style of dash line for nighttime ([<line length>, <blank length>]). This option is available only for hourly data type.
showIcon false Show weather Icon on the top
showRain false Show rain volume (mm) on the bottom
color rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) Color of line and letters
backgroundColor rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) Color of background
fillColor rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) Color for filling rain volume line