This project is based on the core/loading parts of Potree, converted to Typescript for usage directly in ThreeJS-based third-party applications.
This project focuses solely on the loading of point clouds into ThreeJS applications and doesn't try to provide other things which are available in Potree: earth controls, measurement tools, elevation profiles, etc.
If you have a need for such auxiliary components/tools, we would most definitely welcome contributions, potentially as part of another project under the PNext organization.
And of course, suggestions for better/easier APIs or new features, as well as PRs, are very welcome too!
import { Scene } from 'three';
import { PointCloudOctree, Potree } from '@pnext/three-loader';
const scene = new Scene();
// Manages the necessary state for loading/updating one or more point clouds.
const potree = new Potree();
// Show at most 2 million points.
potree.pointBudget = 2_000_000;
// List of point clouds which we loaded and need to update.
const pointClouds: PointCloudOctree[] = [];
// The name of the point cloud which is to be loaded.
// Given the relative URL of a file, should return a full URL (e.g. signed).
relativeUrl => `${baseUrl}${relativeUrl}`,
.then(pco => {
scene.add(pco); // Add the loaded point cloud to your ThreeJS scene.
// The point cloud comes with a material which can be customized directly.
// Here we just set the size of the points.
pco.material.size = 1.0;
function update() {
// This is where most of the potree magic happens. It updates the visiblily of the octree nodes
// based on the camera frustum and it triggers any loads/unloads which are necessary to keep the
// number of visible points in check.
potree.updatePointClouds(pointClouds, camera, renderer);
// Render your scene as normal
renderer.render(scene, camera);
You can play with a live example here:
To develop and contribute to the project, you need to start by cloning the repositry and then install all the dependencies with yarn:
> yarn
Once that is done you can start a development server by running:
> yarn start
You can also start the example application (/example
) by running:
> yarn start:example
To create a production-ready build of the library which can be published to NPM, you can run the following command:
> yarn build
Thank you to Markus Schütz for his work on Potree, on which this project is based.
We use this as part of our online 3D model viewer (