
container-tool | container tool that generates events in JSON format through web socket channel

Primary LanguagePython

augustoliks/fakews Docker Pulls


Container tool that generates events in JSON format through web socket channel. The purpose of this image is to help the infra debug process.

How To Run

The container was published in Docker Hub in augustoliks/fakews repository. The application generate web socket events through 8090/TCP port.

To run container application, execute a command bellow:

$ docker run -it -p 8090:8090 augustoliks/fakews

Test web socket connection:

$ websocat ws://

The example used websocat CLI tool to get mock events. Read this link to see more details about this tool: https://github.com/vi/websocat

How To Run Locally With NGINX Proxy

Provisioning fakews back in NINGX proxy:

$ docker-compose up --build -d

Test connections through NGINX proxy:

$ websocat ws://