
Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage API Client. Implements all of the B2 Cloud Storage APIs, with helper methods for uploading files.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage API Client

This module is still in development and not recommended for production use yet.

Basic Example

'use strict';
const b2CloudStorage = require('b2-cloud-storage');

const b2 = new b2CloudStorage({
	auth: {
		accountId: '<accountId>', // NOTE: This is the accountId unique to the key
		applicationKey: '<applicationKey>'

	if(err){ throw err; }

	// this function wraps both a normal upload AND a large file upload
	b2.uploadFile('/path/to/file.zip', {
		bucketId: '<bucketId>',
		fileName: 'file.zip', // this is the object storage "key". Can include a full path
		contentType: 'application/zip',
		onUploadProgress: function(update){
			console.log(`Progress: ${update.percent}% (${update.bytesDispatched}/${update.bytesTotal}`);
			// output: Progress: 9% 9012/100024
	}, function(err, results){
		// handle callback


You can read the full documentation here.


  • Add unit tests and code coverage
  • Add retries to small file uploads
  • Add helper methods to delete all file versions for a single file
  • Add helper methods to better query paginated search
  • Automatically handle auth token expiration


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