
This repository contains all scripts used in the article "Ribeiro-Kumara, C., et al. How do forest fires affect soil greenhouse gas emissions in upland boreal forests? A review, Environmental Research."

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Data in Brief ~ Repository

This repository, together with the Forest-fires-GHG database, supplement the following publication: Ribeiro-Kumara, C., et al., 2020. How do forest fires affect soil greenhouse gas emissions in upland boreal forests? A review. Environmental Research. 184.10.1016/j.envres.2020.109328.

The current repository includes the scripts used to filter outliers and to generate the graphs used to aid visualization and identification of trends of the expected value of the distribution of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) mean fluxes over time. Additional description on data collection can be found from here. For reproducible R scripts, please check this notebook.

Instructions on how to use the scripts in this repository

  • Figure 1
    • Load file ghg-fluxes.jmp (from the dataset available in Mendeley Data) into JMP
    • Run script outliers-Ra-Rh.jsl to screen for outliers
    • Decide whether to remove outliers or not (in the review article we chose not to)
    • Run script figure-1.jsl