BEP20 IYAL Token
Create a new token(BEP20: IYAL) and ICO Smart contract with airdrop functionality.
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network bsctestnet
npx hardhat verify 0xab0----------c0 --network bsctestnet
1. hardhat write config
Get the APIkey address under ethScan or bscScan personal information
cp hardhat.config.js.example hardhat.config.js
// modify hardhat.config.js
const INFURA_PROJECT_ID = "00e8...2b41";
const ROPSTEN_PRIVATE_KEY = "07f1c38b7318fc6bd5e958...e3";
apiKey: "EQF6AY17HK1574GNC...", // eth