Inventory Management Application


The purpose of this application is to allow a user to store an inventory of at least 100 items. Each item will have a unique serial number, estimated value, and a name. A user will be able to edit each field of the item. Additionally, a user will be able to export thier inventory in a JSON, TSV, or HTML format for use elsewhere.

The program should will display a tabular report of the data that looks like this:

Value       Serial Number   Name
$399.00     AXB124AXY       Xbox One
$599.99     S40AZBDE4       Samsung TV



Application Requirements

  • Rqmt 1: The user shall interact with the application through a Graphical User Interface
  • Rqmt 2: The user shall be able to store at least 100 inventory items
  • Rqmt 11: The user shall be able to search for an inventory item by serial number
  • Rqmt 12: The user shall be able to search for an inventory item by name
  • Rqmt 13: The user shall be able to save their inventory items to a file
    • Rqmt 13a: The user shall be able to select the file format from among the following sets of options: TSV (tab-separated value), HTML, JSON
      • Rqmt 13ai: TSV file shall list one inventory item per line, separate each field within an inventory item using a tab character, and end with the extension .txt
      • Rqmt 13aii: HTML files shall contain valid HTML and end with the extension .html
      • Rqmt 13aiii: JSON files shall contain valid JSON and end with the extension .json
    • Rqmt 13b: The user shall provide the file name and file location of the file to save
  • Rqmt 14: The user shall be able to load inventory items from a file that was previously created by the application
    • Rqmt 14a: The user shall provide the file name and file location of the file to load
  • Rqmt 8: The user shall be able to sort the inventory items by value
  • Rqmt 9: The user shall be able to sort the inventory items by serial number
  • Rqmt 10: The user shall be able to sort the inventory items by name

List Requirements

  • Rqmt 3: The user shall be able to add a new inventory item
    • Rqmt 3a: The application shall display an error message is the user enters and existing serial number for the new item
  • Rqmt 4: The user shall be able to remove an existing inventory item

Item Requirements

  • Rqmt 5: The user shall be able to edit the value of an existing inventory item
  • Rqmt 6: The user shall be able to edit the serial number of the existing inventory ite,
    • Rqmt 6a: The application shall prevent the user from duplicating the serial number
  • Rqmt 7: The user shall be able to edit the name of an existing inventory item
  • Rqmt 2a: Each inventory item shall have a value representing its monetary value in US dollars
  • Rqmt 2b: Each inventory item shall have a unique serial number in the format of XXXXXXXXXX where X can be either a letter or a digit
  • Rqmt 2c: Each inventory item shall have a name between 2 and 256 characters in length (inclusive)