
Primary LanguageJava

To Do List Application


The purpose of this application is to allow a user to create an itemized To Do List of at least 100 unique items. The application will allow a user to add an item with a description, a due date, and a completion status. The user will be able to edit the item description, date, and completion status. Additionally, the user will be able to save their list and open it from with in the application.


The application shall satisfy the following requirements:

Application Requirements

  • Rqmt 1: The application shall manage a single list of items
    • The list shall have the capacity to store at least 100 unique items
  • Rqmt 13: A user shall be able to save the list (and all of its items) to external storage
    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 14: A user shall be able to load a list (and all of its items) from external storage
    • JUnit Test

Item Requirements

  • Rqmt 2: An item shall have a description

    • A description shall be between 1 and 256 characters in length
  • Rqmt 3: An item shall have a due date

    • A due date shall be a valid date within the Gregorian Calendar
    • A due date shall be displayed to users in the format: YYY-MM-DD
  • Rqmt 7: A user shall be able to edit the description of an item within the list

    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 8: A user shall be able to edit the due date of an item within the list

    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 9: A user shall be able to mark an item in the list as either complete or incomplete

    • JUnit Test

List Requirements

  • Rqmt 4: A user shall be able to add a new item to the list
    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 5: A user shall be able to remove an item from the list
    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 6: A user shall be able to clear a list of all items
    • JUnit Test

Display Requirements

  • Rqmt 10: A user shall be able to display all existing items in the list
    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 11: A user shall be able to display only incomplete items in the list
    • JUnit Test
  • Rqmt 12: A user shall be able to display only completed items in the list
    • JUnit Test

User Experience Requirements

  • Rqmt 15: The application shall provide a help screen with direction on how to use the applications
    • The help screen shall describe how execute each behavioral requirement provided by the application (e.g. add an item, remove an item, edit an item, etc)
    • The help screen shall include a dedication to "Rey"
    • As an alternative to creating a new window in the application, this help information can be provided in a markdown file called readme.md on your GitHub repository for this project.