
Add a --no-history optin to avoid growing branch weight

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Guts commented

Hi there,

First of all, thanks for you tool. It's really useful and easy to use.

As a new feature, I would suggest to add a --no-history option.

Deploying regularly to the branch gh-pages make its the git history growing again and again. But this branch (or any branch used to host static content) doesn't really need to be versioned into the history.

There is a similar tool written in nodejs which has an option --no-history to overwrite the previous commit: gh-pages. It's reported that it works well, as it in a GH Action.

- name: deploy to gh pages
  run: |
    echo "Deploying to directory: ${{env.BRANCH_NAME}}"
    git config --global user.name "github-actions[bot]"
    git config --global user.email "github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
    npx gh-pages --dist dist/ --dest ${{env.BRANCH_NAME}} --remove "${{env.BRANCH_NAME}}/**" --no-history --repo "https://${GITHUB_ACTOR}:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}@github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git"

NPM option: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gh-pages#optionshistory

Original issue: geotribu/website#302 by @fgravin

c-w commented

Thanks for reaching out @Guts.

I added a new option -o or --no-history in a46fa5d.

Could you please try out the new version and verify that this fixes your scenario?

Guts commented

I added a new option -o or --no-history in a46fa5d.

Thanks for being such reactive!

Could you please try out the new version and verify that this fixes your scenario?

Yes. I'll give it a try (probably tomorrow).

Guts commented

@c-w, just tried locally running ghp-import --force --no-jekyll --push docs/_build/html --no-history and got this error: ghp-import: error: Failed to rebase gh-pages branch.

c-w commented

@Guts Thanks for trying it out. Could you provide some more details on your environment (e.g. how was the gh-pages branch created? What version of git are you running? What OS? Is the repo open source so that I could take a look at the setup?) so that I can try to reproduce this issue? The current implementation works on ghp-import's CI setup so there must be some difference between my environment and yours that we need to track down.

Guts commented

You're right, here comes more information to track on this.

Sys info

$ git --version
git version 2.31.0
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focal

Repository used to test

Repo main page: https://github.com/Guts/DicoGIS
gh-pages branch: https://github.com/Guts/DicoGIS/tree/gh-pages

Published doc: https://guts.github.io/DicoGIS/ with page about doc process https://guts.github.io/DicoGIS/development/documentation.html

Github Action: https://github.com/Guts/DicoGIS/blob/master/.github/workflows/docs_builder.yml


It was just about options order and positional arg:

  • 🔴 ghp-import --force --no-jekyll --push docs/_build/html --no-history
  • ✔️ ghp-import --force --no-jekyll --push --no-history docs/_build/html


c-w commented

Thanks for confirming. The functionality has been released in version 1.1.0.