- 3
How to create custom 404 page?
#130 opened by snowch - 0
- 2
- 2
How to use ghp-import and the full repository
#128 opened by kwbln - 4
Alternative to --no-history
#126 opened by framillien - 2
Authentication to GitHub fails execting ghp-import
#112 opened by stuchalk - 3
Local branch vs remote branch
#113 opened by pawamoy - 1
#110 opened by Megdog2020 - 0
Use `rfc2822` date format
#108 opened by ktomk - 3
- 11
fatal: Invalid raw date
#82 opened by PedroVelez - 8
ident nonsense
#104 opened by Dragonlord1005 - 7
expected "data- n" command, found...
#100 opened by ratnanil - 1
Wheels on
#101 opened by pawamoy - 2
- 6
- 5
ghp-import with two users?
#94 opened by cooperrc - 4
Problem adding file with CJK punctuation
#92 opened by Weilet - 2
- 3
- 9
- 3
- 5
raw date crash
#60 opened by aaa34169 - 3
Execute on shell to recoginze
#63 opened by haxpor - 4
use with Circle-CI
#77 opened by casperdcl - 1
- 1
Option to preserve symlinks
#70 opened by dhimmel - 2
Is it possible to ignore certain files?
#75 opened by djhoese - 5
Better support GithHub's user/org pages.
#65 opened by waylan - 1
skip deploy if no update
#78 opened by casperdcl - 8
ImportError: cannot import name main
#64 opened by rabernat - 2
- 3
Allow symlinks in gh-pages
#37 opened by timwsuqld - 2
ghp-import error on Windows 10
#59 opened by sarwatfatimam - 6
Clobbers custom domain
#56 opened by allanstreib - 2
ghp-import: error: Unknown Git error
#57 opened by kdheepak - 5
- 3
0.4.3 release?
#51 opened by matthew-brett - 1
-m probably doesn't work well with non-ascii
#50 opened by honzajavorek - 2
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
Please upload 0.4.2 download tarball to PyPI
#53 opened by farseerfc - 1
Missing Github Tags for Releases
#33 opened by alunduil - 4
Fails with "Not a git repository"
#30 opened by acgetchell - 2
Non-Ascii character breaks setup py
#28 opened by sjzabel - 0
Popen.communte() returns bytes. Str expected
#41 opened by artkpv - 1
Windows support
#54 opened by pravic - 0
Does not run when called from shell in Windows 7
#35 opened by ntdef