
:spades: BalmJS scaffolding tool for modern webapps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Balm CLI NPM version

A simple CLI for scaffolding BalmJS projects.


  1. Node.js >=10.x, npm version 5+
  2. Git
  3. BalmJS core >= 3.x

First install the balm-core globally.

yarn global add balm-core
# OR
npm install -g balm-core


Then install the balm-cli globally.

yarn global add balm-cli
# OR
npm install -g balm-cli

# Verify
balm -V
# Output:
# balm-cli: 2.0.0
# balm-core: 3.0.0


# See all available official templates
balm list
balm init <template-name> <project-name>


# Official template
balm init vue my-project
# Custom template
balm init username/repo my-project

Official Templates

  • Default
  • Vue.js
    • vue - A Vue.js project
    • vue-expert - A Vue.js project with router (Recommended)
    • vue-master - A Vue.js project with router & Vuex
    • vue-ssr - A server-rendered Vue.js project (Experimental)
    • vue-ssr-without-vuex - A server-rendered Vue.js project without Vuex (Experimental)
    • vue-wechat-mp - A Vue.js project for WeChat Mini Program
  • React
  • Angular
    • ng - An Angular project
  • Others
    • pwa - A Progressive Web Apps project
    • electron - An Electron app boilerplate based on the BalmJS
    • legacy - A jQuery project for older browsers