INSTALL Package sqlite3

sudo apt install sqlite3

INSTALL anything-llm

  1. download anything-llm script
cd $HOME
git clone
  1. copy ssl folder to anything-llm (ssl/privatekey.key ssl/root.cer ssl/server.cer ssl/uca.cer)
cp -rf $YOUR_SSL_FOLDR/ssl $HOME/anything-llm
  1. stop anything-llm
cd $HOME/anything-llm
  1. stop anything-llm
cd $HOME/anything-llm
  1. open url https://$IP:3001

SETUP anything-llm

  1. LLM Preference, Local AI
Local AI Base URL:
Token context window: 4096
Local AI API Key: ?
  1. Embedding Preference
AnythingLLM Embedder
  1. Vector Database Connection
  1. Custom Logo
Upload your logo
  1. User Setup
Just me, and set password
  1. Create your first workspace
  1. Edit anything-llm/.env
  1. Restart
docker restart anythingllm


Create New Workspace



  1. Stop anythingllm, and connect to sqlite3 DB
docker stop anythingllm
sqlite3 $HOME/anything-llm/storage/anythingllm.db 
  1. SQL CMD, than CTRL+Z to exit
sqlite> UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/e.1.0.0' WHERE name = 'TAIDE/b.11.0.0';
sqlite> UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/t.0.1.0' WHERE name = 'TAIDE/t.0.1.0';
sqlite>  UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/k.0.1.0' WHERE name = 'TAIDE/k.0.1.0';


UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/b.11.0.0', openAiTemp=0.7, openAiPrompt='You are a helpful assistant. 你是一個樂於助人的助手。'  WHERE name like '%國語%';
UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/t.0.1.0', openAiTemp=0.7, openAiPrompt='You are a helpful assistant. 你是一個樂於助人的助手。'  WHERE name like '%台語%';
UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/k.0.1.0', openAiTemp=0.7, openAiPrompt='You are a helpful assistant. 你是一個樂於助人的助手。'  WHERE name like '%客語%';
UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/b.11.0.0', openAiTemp=0.7, openAiPrompt='你是國網打造的一個有用的AI助理,你深愛台灣傳統文化。您正在幫助的用戶來自台灣,請用台灣中文回答問題'  WHERE name like '%國語%';
UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/t.0.1.0', openAiTemp=0.7, openAiPrompt='你是國網打造的一個有用的AI助理,你深愛台灣傳統文化。您正在幫助的用戶來自台灣,請用台灣語言回答問題'  WHERE name like '%台語%';
UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/k.0.1.0', openAiTemp=0.7, openAiPrompt='你是國網打造的一個有用的AI助理,你深愛台灣客家文化。您正在幫助的用戶來自台灣,請用台灣語言回答問題'  WHERE name like '%客語%';
  1. Start anythingllm
docker start anythingllm

Multi-User Mode

  1. Setup -> Security -> Multi-User Mode -> Save
Admin account username
Admin account password
  1. Setup -> Users -> Add User
Role: Default
  1. Setup -> Workspaces -> Click [...] to share workspace to user
Checked the user checkbox
  1. Singout and login with normal username and password


  1. login with admin
  2. Create New Workspace
TAIDE/k.0.1.0 (醫學百科)
  1. Update sql DB
  • Stop anythingllm, and connect to sqlite3 DB
docker stop anythingllm
sqlite3 $HOME/anything-llm/storage/anythingllm.db 
  • SQL CMD, than CTRL+Z to exit
sqlite>  UPDATE workspaces SET chatModel = 'TAIDE/k.0.1.0' WHERE name LIKE 'TAIDE/k.0.1.0%';
  1. Restart anythingllm
docker restart anythingllm
  1. Go the workspace TAIDE/k.0.1.0 (醫學百科)
upload document, save and EMBED
  1. Setup -> Workspaces -> Click [...] to share workspace to user
Checked the user checkbox
  1. Singout and login with normal username and password
  1. ask question to workspace TAIDE/k.0.1.0 (醫學百科)
  • 問題: 什麼是濕疹? (沒有找到相關輔助文件)

  1. ask question to workspace TAIDE/k.0.1.0 (醫學百科)
  • 問題: What is ECZEMA? (找到相關文件)
  • 相關文件1 32% match
Merrell, Woodson. “How I Became a Low-Carb Believer.”
Time (Nov. 1, 1999): 80.
Turner, Richard. “The Trendy Diet That Sizzles.” Newsweek
Sept. 6, 1999): 60.
Atkins diet
GEM - 0001 to 0432 - A 10/22/03 1:43 PM Page 402OTHER
Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine. 152 E. 55th St.,
New York, NY 10022. 212-758-2110. <http://www.atkins>.
Ken R. Wells
Atopic dermatitis
Eczema is a general term used to describe a variety
of conditions that cause an itchy, inflamed skin rash.
Atopic dermatitis , a form of eczema, is a non-conta-
gious disorder characterized by chronically inflamed
skin and sometimes intolerable itching .
Atopic dermatitis refers to a wide range of diseases
that are often associated with stress and allergic disor-
ders that involve the respiratory system, like asthma and
hay fever . Although atopic dermatitis can appear at any
  • 相關文件2 47% match
age, it is most common in children and young adults.
Symptoms usually abate before the age of 25 and do not
affect the patient’s general health.
About one in ten babies develop a form of atopic
dermatitis called infantile eczema. Characterized by skin
that oozes and becomes encrusted, infantile eczema most
often occurs on the face and scalp. The condition usually
improves before the child’s second birthday, and medical
attention can keep symptoms in check until that time.
When atopic dermatitis develops after infancy,
inflammation, blistering, oozing, and crusting are less
pronounced. The patient’s sores become dry, turn from
red to brownish-gray, and skin may thicken and become
scaly. In dark-skinned individuals, this condition can
cause the complexion to lighten or darken. Itching asso-
ciated with this condition is usually worst at night. It can
be so intense that patients scratch until their sores bleed,
sometimes causing scarring and infection.
  • 相關文件3 49% match
Acne —A skin condition in which raised bumps,
pimples, and cysts form on the face, neck, shoul-
ders and upper back.
Bacteria —Tiny, one-celled forms of life that cause
many diseases and infections.
Bowel —The intestine; a tube-like structure that
extends from the stomach to the anus. Some diges-
tive processes are carried out in the bowel before
food passes out of the body as waste.
Cyst —An abnormal sac or enclosed cavity in the
body, filled with liquid or partially solid material.
Eczema —Inflammation of the skin with itching
and a rash. The rash may have blisters that ooze
and form crusts.
Pimple —A small, red swelling of the skin.
Psoriasis —A skin disease in which people have
itchy, scaly, red patches on the skin.
Pus —Thick, whitish or yellowish fluid that forms
in infected tissue.
Triglyceride —A substance formed in the body
from fat in the diet.
Antiangina drugs
Antiangina drugs are medicines that relieve the
  • 相關文件4 51% match
encrusted skin, followed by applications of petroleum
jelly or vegetable shortening to prevent the skin’s natural
moisture from escaping.
Externally applied (topical) steroids or preparations
containing coal tar can relieve minor itching, but coal tar
has an unpleasant odor, stains clothes, and may increase
skin-cancer risk. Excessive use of steroid creams in
young children can alter growth. Pregnant women should
not use products that contain coal tar. Topical steroids can
cause itching, burning, acne , permanent stretch marks,
and thinning and spotting of the skin. Applying topical
steroids to the area around the eyes can cause glaucoma .
Oral antihistamines , such as diphenhydramine
(Benadryl), can relieve symptoms of allergy-related atopic
dermatitis. More concentrated topical steroids are recom-
mended for persistent symptoms. A mild tranquilizer may
be prescribed to reduce stress and help the patient sleep,