
Vehicle Physics Engine for Godot

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

VitaVehicle - "Realistic" Car Physics (g-rcp2/RCP4)

Screenshot_4 (Beta)


VitaVehicle is a raycast-based car simulator that simulates engine, transmission, and slip algorithm. This is the second iteration of g-rcp, and it's the fourth generation of my own vehicle dynamics since 2017, as well as the usage of the Blender game engine. This was also ported from BGE despite that it isn't even published for that software yet at this time.


Help can be found in the VitaVehicle Interface once you've opened the project file via Godot editor.


  • Unit Scale: 0.30592 (1 metre = 3.268828 in translation)
  • This project isn't novice-friendly.


  • Eclipse SRC by shotman_16

Current Acknowledged Issues

  • Not very stable with Bullet physics.