
An ethereum-based project to track assets in blockchain.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HomeLNK Blockchain-Based Property Tracker

This tool was created by Team #4 during the Midwest Block-a-thon 2018 in Lincoln, NE. This was during the April 13-15th weekend. We focused on taking on the outdated processes used in the housing title company industry.

Installation Instructions

We didn't spend a lot of time making this streamlined, so we have some TODOs to make this easier. 🤓. Here is how you can get it running today.

  1. Install truffle, which also will install ganache.

  2. Install some global node packages, assuming you have npm and node installed.

    npm install -g nodemon
    npm install -g concurrently
    npm install -g yarn
  3. Assuming you've cloned this directory, run the following from the root folder of this repo.

    # From the blockchain-tracker/ folder
    npm install && yarn install
  4. Run the same thing in the webui folder.

    # From the blockchain-tracker/webui/ folder
    npm install && yarn install
  5. Run the same thing (sorry!) in the webui/frontend folder.

    # From the blockchain-tracker/webui/frontend folder
    npm install && yarn install
  6. Open Ganache. Start up a workspace, if there isn't any running yet.

  7. Migrate the contracts to the local Ganache blockchain.

    # From the blockchain-tracker/ folder
    truffle migrate --reset
  8. Look at the output of the truffle migrate command, you will see the deployed address of the contract. You'll see something like this:

      Replacing PropertyManager...
        ... 0xf0bb6b9ed2f5a8017e6aa331a8d2f5310d3a8c368fd6b202eae0bf59523c1e1e
          PropertyManager: 0x4b167cb9e4e60f9a1a1cebde5fdbaac5ed98350f
  9. Take the address next to PropertyManager (the one that starts with 0x4b1... and put it in the blockchain-tracker/webui/config/default.json for the contractAddress entry.

  10. In the Ganache UI, look at the 10 addresses you see on Accounts tab. Copy one of the addresses and replace the entry in the blockchain-tracker/webui/config/default.json for the fromAddress entry. It will look like this: 0x9F5E71bEA927d29b9c7126a4eD3A57651e7b2D5a.

  11. Fire up the app. It can be started by

    # from the blockchain-tracker/webui/
    yarn start

    It will open up your browser, pointed to http://localhost:3000/


This app uses:

  • Ganache for a local ethereum blockchain
  • Node and ExpressJS for the business logic and linking the frontend to the blockchain
  • React for the frontend