
Small utilities for formatting

Primary LanguagePython


Small utilities for formatting

  • api_header_check.py - Checks for necessary headers in OpenAPI implementation using server response stored in the file
  • av_report_filter.py - Parses output from Symentec AV Report (xlsx) and sorts it into "Servers, ATMs and endpoints"
  • ccno_generator.py - Script to generate random visa, mastercard and rupay 16 digit card numbers.
  • csv_rule_parser.py - Filters Ruleset based on IP addresses for F5 firewalls
  • cve_extract.conf - Configuration File for cve_extract.py
  • cve_extract.py - Script to get the CVE details for the listed technologies in configuration file for past 3 months (can be changed in the script).
  • eid_generator.py - Script to generate random Emirates ID numbers for testing.
  • gen_flask_project.sh - Create Empty Python Flask Project
  • gen_python_project.sh - Create Python Projects with basic structure
  • get_ip_from_domain.py - Script to get the IP addresses for list of domain names
  • git_search.py - Searches github based on keywords and generates output in HTML
  • hic_sql_v2.py - Performs analysis of SEP Host Integrity Check CSV output and generates a HTML report
  • ip_zero_remover.py - Removes prefixed 0 in IP address formats
  • ipecho.php - Host on server to show public IP address for the user when they visit this page.
  • ms17_010_checker.py - Checks for vulnerable systems on given ranges for MS17-010. Requires responder to be installed on the system
  • log_analyzer.conf - Configuration for 'log_analyzer.py'
  • log_analyzer.py - Python script to analyze logs for presence of unwanted data. Data Regex can be defined in 'log_analyzer.conf'
  • network_sniffer.py - Script to monitor basic protocols travelling between the source and destination over a network
  • nmap_live_host.py - Discovers live hosts from Nmap XML output
  • nmap_to_csv.py - Converts nmap xml to csv format
  • nmap_to_json.py - Converts nmap xml to json format
  • nmap_to_sqlite.py - Stores nmap xml into SQLite3 DB format
  • sha256_file.py - Calculates SHA256 hash of all files present in a parent folder and its subfolder
  • ssllabs_json_to_csv.py - Converts the json output of ssllabs-scan to csv file
  • sslscan_parse_output.py - Output parser for SSLScan Output (Requires SSL Scan to be installed / present in the working directory)
  • tripwire_compliance_csv_parser.py - Output parser for Tripwire Compliance CSV report. Output in HTML format
  • tripwire_csv_parser.py - Output parser for Tripwire VA CSV files. Output in HTML format
  • udp_host_discovery.py - Host discovery script using UDP protocol
  • webpage_scr.py - Captures screenshot of webpages from a list of URLs. Requires chrome driver (https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads) and selenium (https://pypi.org/project/selenium/) to be installed on the system