rockstrap is a script for installing Debian GNU/Linux Jessie 8.0 armhf to a sd card for Radxa Rock.
Why not? :-) I hate downloading big sd card images and dd'ing them onto my sd cards resulting in an overblown Debian installation with software I am never going to use. You'll simply get a basic Debian installation like from the netinstaller with some more basic packages (see below).
There is some software you have to install before using my installer:
- python3
- python3-colorama
- sed
- psmisc
- fdisk
- curl
- dosfstools
- cdebootstrap
- qemu-user-static
If there is no package python3-colorama you can also install it with pip3 install colorama
after installing python3-pip
via aptitude / apt-get.
You'll be warned if something is missing.
Just look at the help: ./ -h
- debian standard packages
- apt-transport-https
- aptitude
- binutils
- ca-certificates
- console-data
- console-setup
- cpufreqd
- cpufrequtils
- curl
- dbus
- htop
- iw
- keyboard-configuration
- locales
- ntp
- openssh-server
- psmisc
- tzdata
- vim
- wireless-tools
- wpasupplicant
Open the script with vim and type :%s/jessie/wheezy
. Then close vim with :wq
. That's it.
The installer enables SSH root login and password authentication so you can easily ssh to your new Debian installation. For security reasons you shouldn't use that in a production environment. Switch to pubkey authentication instead.
There have been error reports that this script doesn't work on Ubuntu so you need to use a Debian host.
Yes, of course but please keep the author name where it is :-)
Open an issue on GitHub, please.
Contact me on IRC via c0d3z3r0 @
Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Niewöhner
This is open source software, licensed under GPLv2. See the file LICENSE for details.