
This repo contains all projects created during the nano degree program

Primary LanguageJava

Android Nanodegree Projects

The following repository contains Android Nanodegree projects.

Project 0: My App Portfolio

Project Summary

Design and build a layout in Android Studio for an app that showcases your app portfolio. Each button represents an app that you'll build in the Nanodegree program.

Lessons Learnt
  1. Create a project in Android Studio
  2. Create a layout and adding views.
  3. Styling views.
Project Summary

In this project, you will add to the app you built in Stage 1 by building on the detail view for each movie, allowing users to 'favorite' movies, and adding a tablet layout.

Lessons Learnt
  1. Set up dependencies.
  2. Create cool layouts.
  3. Design for tablets.
  4. Data persistance
  5. Preserve and restore user or app state via onSaveInstanceState/onRestoreInstanceState.
  6. Network API Implementation.
  7. Use Content Providers and Loaders


Final Result

Final Result

Final Result

Final Result

Project 2: Stock Hawk

Project Summary

In this project, you will productionize an app, taking them from a functional state to a production-ready state. To do this, you will find and handle error cases, add accessibility features, allow for localization, add widgets, and add a library.

Lessons Learnt
  1. Set up dependencies.
  2. Display data in a graph.
  3. Create widgets.

Final Result

Project 3: Build It Bigger

Project Summary

In this project, you will use Gradle to build a joke-telling app, factoring functionality into libraries and flavors to keep the build simple. You'll also configure a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.

Lessons Learnt
  1. Create gradle tasks.
  2. Write unit tests.
  3. Create different project flavors - Paid and Free.
  4. Google Ads Mob.
  5. Set up Google Cloud Endpoints.
  6. Create a GCE module library that fetches data from Google Cloud Endpoints.


Final Result

Final Result

Project 4: Make Your App Material

Project Summary

In this project, I updated the look and feel of an app to meet Material Design specifications.

Lessons Learnt
  1. Use the Design Support library.
  2. Use CoordinatorLayout.
  3. Use an AppBar and associated Toolbar's.
  4. Material Design concepts


Final Result

Final Result

Project 5: Go Ubiquitous

Project Description

In this project, I created a watch face for the sunshine app to run on an Android Wear device. #####Lessons Learnt

  1. Create watch faces.


Final Result

Project 6: Sunshine App

Project Description
Lessons Learnt


Final Result

Final Result

Final Result

Final Result