"Chronews" app is a kind of news aggregator with options to save interesting news in "favorites", share the news with someone by sharing URL provided by third-party apps and displaying a list of favorites on the widget which allows very fast opening stored news in a browser. The app is not providing entire text of news, only a short and long description with the option "Read more" on the original site. This application is flexible to a user by providing preferences screen where is possible to set many parameters of displaying news for a specific country, language, phrase or popularity, etc.
Click the above icon to read the documenation of this project. This is a description of an idea of this app and steps how to develop application in a chronology order. New features will be described in V2 of this documentation.
I created my own a Kanban Board by using Trello to manage tasks and issues. Click on the above image to see the the actual version.
- displaying top-headlines of news for some country,
- the news could be showing only for a specific language,
- ability to narrow top-headlines to the specific category and a specific phrase declared by a user in settings, i.e.: Top-headlines of "Android" in Poland,
- displaying categories of news defined by a user, so users are able to read news only from categories which interested them
- opening a news page in the browser to read the entire article,
- sharing an article by sending URL directly from the app by choosing some app where a user would like to put an URL,
- searching for news by populating a search phrase,
- storing interesting articles by adding them to the "Favourites" list,
- ability to haring all favorite articles by sending a batch of URLs,
- displaying favorite news on the Widget with the info about actual time which elapsed since publishing news,
- login to the app by using a Google account (in the future user's presets will be loaded after reinstalling the app)
- Room DB
- Retrofit
- Android Debug Database
- Butterknife
- Picasso
- Widget
- LiveData
- Google SSO
- Google Firebase (analitics)
- Constraint & Collapsing layouts
- Fragments
- Shared Preferences
- RecyclerViews
- Bottom navigation
The application requires API keys and configuration of them. Take a look at the following table:
Service URL | Info |
https://newsapi.org | Create an own free developer account to getting an API key |
https://firebase.google.com | Create an account and prepare a configuration for analytics for this app |
NOTICE: You have to configure the project to handle Goolge SSO login and Analitics.
- Fix all bugs from Kanban Board,
- Add more features (increase amount of receiving news),
- Make refactor: remove boilerpalate code, make sure that encapsulation is fine,
- Move classes to the proper packages,
- Add RXJava,
- Add Espresso tests,
- Add unit tests.
- API's issues with sending a broken text of article long description. Missing letters with polish diacritical signs.
- Limited requests to the API: up to 1000 requests (in the free, developer version).
Notice that this is a very beginning version of the app and it's still developing so you can see some strange behaviour or some desing issues. If you find some bug, please contact with me, I will try to fixed it as soon as I can. Other helpful tips or ideas are warmly welocome, so just let me know :) Thank you for visiting my repo and sharing your opinions!
Free Software, Hell Yeah!