- Xiang Li xpl5016
- Jesse Rong jbr5205
1 thread | P | H | A |
100B buffer | 0.000368 | 0.000938 | 30.897 |
1kB buffer | 0.000946 | 0.657 | 31.46 |
10kB buffer | 0.000581 | 0.685 | 31.61 |
2 thread | P | H | A |
100B buffer | 0.000690 | 0.001253 | 18.265 |
1kB buffer | 0.000541 | 0.402 | 18.45 |
10kB buffer | 0.000882 | 0.545 | 18.21 |
4 thread | P | H | A |
100B buffer | 0.000835 | 0.68646 | 10.706 |
1kB buffer | 0.000686 | 0.248 | 10.59 |
10kB buffer | 0.000896 | 0.255 | 10.58 |
8 thread | P | H | A |
100B buffer | 0.000873 | 0.408601 | 5.96 |
1kB buffer | 0.000759 | 0.166 | 6.22 |
10kB buffer | 0.001028 | 0.185 | 6.06 |
We expect that with increasing threads, the program will run faster and then slower once there are too many threads. Also, the bigger the buffers are, the faster the program will execute.
We found that our expectations were somewhat correct. For panger, as the number of threads increased, the program got slower. For arabian nights, as the number of threads increased, the program got faster. For hamlet, the program got slower and then faster. As the buffers got bigger, panger got faster then slower, hamlet got slower then faster, and arabian nights pretty much stayed the same.
In addition to the 6 given functions and structure, our c program has 1 more structure for the wrapper functions. We have 2 extra functions, both are wrapper functions for map and reduce.
Within the .h file's map_reduce structure, we put a lock, 2 conditional variables, the head and tail nodes to our linked list, information about the number and size of key values and file descriptors. The conditional variables and locks were to prevent deadlock.
In the .c program, we had a lot of trouble with memory. We spent many hours over several days finding out where and why some memory would not be initialized or freed. We also experienced problems with the usage of locks.
(please cite here as well as in comments by the relevant code)
Lecture 30,31 Demo Code
Code that the professor showed me: test-pthreads.c