Hello, and welcome to Spotiserv.
You will need a couple of things to make this work proper:
- A Premium Spotify-account
- An application key (get one here: )
And that is it, now you are good to go!
This is a spotify-server that plays music from spotify by adding them to a temporary playlist. Anyone that is connected to the network can send spotify-uri's to the server and have them added to a temporary playlist that the server will play from, if you have any problems of ideas to the server, don't hasitate to contact me on github and I will add them to the server.
The real purpose for this is at pre-parties (förfest in swedish) when you really dont have a good way of playing music together, you either just have someone occupying a computer chair all evening.
Spotiserv is made of different pieces:
- The software that plays music, hallon and hallon-openal:
- The software that allows others to queue song, thin:
- I'v been using pry alot to debug, so would like to give credit where credit is due, pry:
I have only mashed up these to create a server, Spotiserv: To start the server, simply type './start' in a linux console that have ruby, libspotify and the required gems.
The server anwsers to the following HTTP-GET requests:
Returns an xml-file if successful, and adds the track to the URI to the playlist.- example:
Returns an html-page that renders the playlist into a table and populates it with the data from/queue.xml
Returns the current playlist as an xml-file/next
Returns an xml-file if successful, and changes the current track to the next in the playlist.
How to run on RPi, raspberrian (Soft-float!)
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev git-core libopenal-dev
- wget
- tar xvf libspotify-12.1.51-Linux-armv6-release.tar.gz
- cd libspotify-12.1.51-Linux-armv6-release/
- sudo make prefix=/usr/local install
- cd ~
- sudo gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc hallon hallon-openal thin active_support pry i18n builder
- mkdir Git
- cd Git/
- git clone
- cd Spotiserv/
Now you need to download the key-file from spotify, you can get it here:
Place it in ~/Git/Spotiserv/ Now you should be good to go with the server on a RPi running Raspbian.
./start.rb [<username> [<password>]]
Now it's time to play some good music!
- Add some sort of pause/play-toogle to the webserver
- Comment the code
- Add a Gemfile
Known Issues
- While running this on RPi, you might have some playback issues, and might stop at some times.
- There seems to be aome issues with spotify-accounts linked to facebook (needs verification).
- IE will cache the xml-file, and therefore wont display the playlist at the index-page.