
This repository contains an implementation of a US address parser built using spaCy NLP library.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a minimal implementation of a US address parser built using spaCy NLP library. This blog post covers the implementation and execution details at length.



Training corpus

A sample corpus of US addresses to train/test the parser is present under corpus/dataset folder. JSON based rules required by Entity ruler are present under corpus/rules


config contains files for initializing training parameters:

base_config.cfg: Initializes pipeline and training batch size. base_config_er.cfg: Similar as base_config but with additional entity ruler settings. config.cfg: Pre filled config file obtained after executing inti fill-config. config_er.cfg: Pre filled config file with additional entity ruler settings.


output contains final trained models (with and without entity rules)

Training prerequisites

Before starting the training process, we need to:

i) Obtain a pre filled training config which has the required training parameters.

ii) Build spacy-docbin (binary serialized representation) files for training and test dataset.

Pre filled training config: Below command can be executed from command-line to get a pre filled config file. This would take as input the base_config.cfg file and churn out the pre filled training config file: config.cfg.

python -m spacy init fill-config config\base_config.cfg config\config.cfg

Similarly, to get entity-ruler based config, pointing this command to the base_config_er.cfg would churn out the pre filled config : config_er.cfg

Prepare spacy-docbins: Finally, a spacy-docbin file can be obtained by executing training_data_prep.py.

python training_data_prep.py

This would take raw csv training/test datasets as inputs and churn out docbin files under corpus/spacy-docbins folder.

Training loop execution

To start the training process, below train command can be executed:

python -m spacy train config\config.cfg --paths.train corpus\spacy-docbins\train.spacy --paths.dev corpus\spacy-docbins\test.spacy --output output\models --training.eval_frequency 10 --training.max_steps 300

This saves the output NER models under output folder.


Predictions for a few sample US addresses can be checked by executing predict.py

python predict.py


Address string -> 130 W BOSE ST STE 100, PARK RIDGE, IL, 60068, USA
Parsed address -> [('130', 'BUILDING_NO'), ('W BOSE ST', 'STREET_NAME'), ('PARK RIDGE', 'CITY'), ('IL', 'STATE'), ('60068', 'ZIP_CODE'), ('USA', 'COUNTRY')]