Neighborhood Map

Project of the Udacity Fullstack Developer Nano Degree Program. Develop a single page application featuring a map of a neighborhood with functionalities including highlighted locations, third-party data about those locations and various ways to browse the content.


This project is built with

  1. frameworks:
    • bootstrap
    • jasny
  2. libraries:
    • knockout
  3. APIs:
    • Google Maps
    • FourSquare

Project files are:

  1. index.html
    • single page application featuring side bar and google map
  2. images folder
    • contains images for map markers
  3. css folder contains
    • main css style sheet
    • jasny-bootstrap
  4. js folder
    • libraries of knockout
    • javascript application
    • jasny-bootstrap

How to run the Project

  1. Download the project file.
  2. Unzip the project file.
  3. Open the index.html file in a web browser


  1. Map marker icon made by from


Free for distribution


No liability will be accepted by the author.