#Movie Trailer Website

This project stores a list of my favorite movies, including box art imagery and a movie trailer URL with server-side code. The code generates a static web page allowing visitors to browse the movies and watch the trailers.

###Requirements and assumptions

This project assumes user can execute Python 2 applications

###Project files are:

  1. media.py
    • python file that defines the Class Movie.
  2. fresh_tomatoes.py
    • Source code for a Movie Trailer website.
  3. entertainment_center.py
    • python file that contains movie instances and code to execute Movie Trailer website.

###Steps required to successfully run the application: With IDLE:

  1. Download the project file.
  2. Unzip the project file.
  3. Launch IDLE and open entertainment_center.py
  4. In the menu bar click on Run -> Run Module or press F5 on your keyboard

With the terminal:

  1. Clone the directory
  2. Navigate into the directory cd repository_name
  3. Run python entertainment_center.py

#####Acknowledgement The fresh_tomatoes.py is provided by Udacity

#####License Free for distribution

#####Disclaimer No liability will be accepted by the author.