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A little Python script for LAN OS detection using nmap -O.
PyLanOS it's a simple Python script to scan a LAN network and detect the Operative System present in the LAN.
It's make use of nmap with -O option to scan and then parse the result to show it in a friendly way.
Like others offensive tools, the author disclaims all responsibility in the use of this script.
# pip install python-ipy python-nmap
# git clone https://github.com/c0r3dump3d/pylanos.git
usage: PyLanOS.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-l NOLAN] [-v VERBOSE]
A little Python script for LAN OS detection (nmap -O)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST A single host or CIDR notation.
-f FILE A host list in a file.
-o OUTPUT The output write to a file.
-l NOLAN No LAN host discover. Default no.
-v VERBOSE Verbose option to see the result of nmap -O, for each host.
Default no.
For better performace of the scan it's necessary root privileges.
* A simple scan:
./PyLanOS -H -o os_lan.txt
* A scan with extra probes for host discovery:
./PyLanOS -H -o os_scan.txt -l yes
c0r3dump | coredump<@>autistici.org