
OBIII: Open Source Discord Bot, created by RITSEC

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Welcome to Ops Bot III, or as the cool kids like to call it, OBIII! 😎

OBIII is the third iteration of Ops Bot. You can find the previous version, Ops Bot II (OBII), on the RITSEC Gitlab here. The original is closed-source for your own safety 😉.

OBIII is a Discord bot specifically built for RITSEC and its Discord server. As such, much of the code is purpose-built for RITSEC. If you plan to implement OBIII outside of RITSEC, significant code refactoring may be required.


asdasd OBIII shares many of the same goals as OBII:

  • Modularity
  • Meaningful Documentationsos stupid You need to add the IDs of the channels where you want the bot to log.
  1. Add the channel IDs to config.yml under logging.[level]_channel respectively.
  2. Set the default logging level in config.yml under logging.level.
  3. Set the default logging file location (ensure OBIII has access to it) in config.yml under logging.log_file.

Other Configurations

All other configurations will depend on what you wish to run within your bot.

In the file commands/enabled.go, you can enable and disable all the functionality of OBIII by commenting out the respective lines.

Modular Structure

OBIII is divided into three types of events it can handle: slash, handlers, and scheduled.

Once one of these events is created, it can be enabled in commands/enabled.go.

These events correspond to different ways a function can be triggered:


Slashes are application commands triggered when you press / in a Discord message box.

To configure a new slash command, create a new file under commands/slash/. Use the following template:

package slash

import (

func [Name]() (*discordgo.ApplicationCommand, func(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate)) {
	return &discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
			Name:                     [Name],
			Description:              [Description],
			DefaultMemberPermissions: [Permission],
		func(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate) {


Handlers act as hooks. They execute based on specific actions, defined by the parameters that the function takes.

To configure a new handler, create a new file under commands/handlers/

Handlers can respond to various events such as a user joining or leaving, a message being sent, deleted, or edited, and more.

A full set of handlers can be found here

package handlers

import (

func [Name](s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.[event]) {


Scheduled events run once when the bot starts and manage scheduling tasks on their own.

To configure a new scheduled event, create a new file under commands/scheduled/

There are two main examples that can be used:

Cron Events

Cron events run on a schedule or at specific times defined by a cron expression.

package scheduled

import (


func [Name](s *discordgo.Session, quit chan interface{}) error {
	est, _ := time.LoadLocation([location])

	c := cron.NewWithLocation(est)

	c.AddFunc([cron expression], func() { [function] })


	return nil

Continous Events

Continuous events are scheduled on a ticker and execute at regular intervals.

package scheduled

import (


func Heartbeat() *structs.ScheduledEvent {
	return structs.NewScheduledTask(
		func(s *discordgo.Session, quit chan interface{}) error {
			ticker := time.NewTicker([interval])
			for {
				select {
				case <-quit:
					return nil
				case <-ticker.C:


With this information, you have the context needed to understand, contribute to, and deploy OBIII.

Good luck and godspeed!