
A fish shell command prompt based.

Primary LanguageShell


A fish command prompt based on Charlie for Zsh, and brandonweiss's Pure port for fish.


  • Shows the VCS branch and whether it's dirty (with a *) or wether it has staged files (with a +).
  • Indicates when you have unpushed/unpulled git commits with up/down arrows.
  • If the command didn't exit with 0:
    • The prompt character turns red
    • The exit code is displayed before the prompt character
  • Username and host only displayed when in an SSH session.
  • Shows the current path in the title and the current folder & command when a process is running.
  • Makes an excellent starting point for your own custom prompt.
  • Has SVN and Mercurial support.
  • Shows Python virtualenv info.


Requires git 2.3.0+ and Fish 2.4.0+.


Clone in it your fish config directory, and init submodules...

$ cd ~/.config/fish
$ git clone https://github.com/c10b10/charlie.fish.git
$ cd charlie.fish
$ git submodule init --recursive

...and source it in functions/fish_prompt.fish:

. ~/.config/fish/charlie.fish/fish_prompt.fish


MIT © Alex Ciobica