
A Swift library to display Google AdMob ads without pain.

Primary LanguageSwift

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Swift Package Manager


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/c128128/AdsKit.git", from: "2.0.0")
  targets: [
    .target(name: "MyProject", dependencies: ["AdsKit"])



  1. Follow Update your Info.plist from official Google Mobile Ads SDK (iOS)

  2. Follow App Transport Security

  3. Follow Request App Tracking Transparency authorization

Please note: App Tracking Transparency Request will be made when Banner, Interstitial or Reward will be first called.

AdsKit support UMP if it was configured in Admob UI, and will fallback to Ads.tracking() if UMP return an error.

  1. AdsKit automatically reads adUnitID from Info.plist and automatically preload() ads if needed.
<!-- example: Reward -->

<!-- example: Interstitial -->


  • AdsKit will automatically check if minimum necessary settings are met, if not app will crash on startup.

  • AdsKit will automatically preload() ads on app startup by default. Can be disabled, set GADAutoload in Info.plist, of type Boolean to NO.

  • AdsKit automatically will request requestTrackingAuthorization on load(). Please note:

    • GADAutoload == YES (default), Tracking Permission will be shown on first app startup.
    • GADAutoload == NO, Tracking Permission will be shown before calling Banner, Interstitial or Reward function.


Create a UIView inherited from Banner.

Screenshot 2022-06-03 at 17 53 12

Don't forget to set the adUnitID.

Screenshot 2022-06-03 at 17 54 33

If you want to set Banner only programmatically set empty string in Ad UnitID in the Storyboard.

@IBOutlet private weak var _banner: Banner!

// To set the Banner programmatically

// To remove the Banner


Interstitial. After ad was shown, new ad will be preloaded automatically.



Reward. After ad was shown, new ad will be preloaded automatically.



Reporting. Subscribe to Ads.Google.report to observe events from Ad delegates.



  • Add test devices.