
A Laravel + Inertia starter kit powered by Vite

Primary LanguagePHP

Pronto Fuel

Pronto Fuel is a heavilly opnionated starter kit for Laravel and Inertia.js powered by Vite. It ships with autoimporting features and leverages the latest and greatest features from Vue 3.


Quick Start with VSCode Dev Container

# Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:prontostack/pronto-fuel.git my-app

# Enter the project directory
cd my-app

# Create a .env files based on the provided example one
cp .env.example .env

# Open the project on VSCode
code .

# *****************************************************************
# Install the Remote-Containers extensions if you still haven't
# Open VSCode's command palette (Eg.: ctrl + shift + p on Windows)
# Select "Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container"
# IMPORTANT: The following commands must be executed in the VSCode
# integrated terminal, once the Dev Container has started, since it
# is running inside the container
# *****************************************************************

# Install PHP dependencies
composer install

# Generate an APP key for security
php artisan key:generate

# Create the database tables
php artisan migrate

# Instal frontend dependencies
npm install

# *****************************************************************
# At this point, before you actually run the project, you might
# need to close the remote connection to the Dev Container and
# reopen it. See Troubleshooting below for more info.
# *****************************************************************

# Lift Vite's development server
npm start

# Go to http://localhost

Quick Start

# Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:prontostack/pronto-fuel.git my-app

# Enter the project directory
cd my-app

# Create a .env files based on the provided example one
cp .env.example .env

# Install PHP dependencies
composer install

# Generate an APP key for security
php artisan key:generate

# Create the database tables
php artisan migrate

# Instal frontend dependencies
npm install

# Update server configs on vite.config.js
# to be like this
server: {
    port: 3000

# Lift Vite's development server

npm start

# Go to http://localhost


If you're using the VSCode Dev Container and your home page isn't loading at http://localhost, you probably hit an issue where the PHP container isn't able to find the vendor/autoload.php file you just installed via composer install. In this case, simply close the remote connection to the container and reopen the folder in the container on VSCode.