
This is the code I wrote to develop an iOS messaging application.

Primary LanguageSwift


📱 Real-Time Messaging App

📝 About

This project is a basic iOS app that allows users to send and receive real-time messages. It was developed from scratch using Swift, an object-oriented programming language. The project was created as a result of following a MOOC and referring to the iOS and Swift manuals. The app also utilizes Firebase for push notifications.

💻 Usage

To use this app, simply clone the repository and open it in Xcode. Then, build and run the app on your iOS device or simulator.

👍 Feedback

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request. We welcome contributions from the community!

👨‍💻 Developer

This project was developed by Adrien Cortes.