gocache is simple ultra fast lock-free cache library written in golang.
Go (>= 1.9)
go get github.com/c1ay/gocache
is Set(key string, value interface{})
, so you can set any type of object.
var (
key1 = "key_1"
key2 = "key_2"
key3 = "key_3"
value1 = "value_1"
value2 = 1234
value3 = struct{}{}
cache := gocache.New()
// default expire is 50 Seconds
ok := cache.Set(key1, value1) // true
ok := cache.Set(key2, value2) // true
ok := cache.Set(key3, value3) // true
// get cached data
v, ok := cache.Get(key1)
v, ok := cache.Get(key2)
v, ok := cache.Get(key3)
gocache vs go-cache vs gache vs gcache
The version of golang is go1.10.3 linux/amd64
gocache released under MIT license, refer LICENSE file.