
Neofetch configs put into a convinient repository

MIT LicenseMIT

Neofetch Themes

Material Bread logo

A project which aims at making your life more convinient by putting a bunch of neofetch configs in a single place.

Video Showcase/Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ44CafqcH0&feature=youtu.be


NOTE: Run yay -S ttf-material-design-icons-extended, otherwise the pacman packages won't work, I don't know how to fix it for non Arch-based distros.



NOTE: To use the logo you need to change the ascii source in line 743 to where your logo file is stored at.

NOTE: Same as Bejkon 2 but line 741



Note: you are required to manually change the distro ascii in the config



Fun fact: This is called af++ or AxylFetch++ because this was actually based on AxylFetch once, then got modified further


  • Go to the .config directory in your home folder using your file manager.
    Note: Press Ctrl + H to locate it, as it is a hidden directory.

  • Navigate into the neofetch directory.

  • Open the file config.conf with your preferred text editor and replace the text inside it with the config from your favorite theme.

E. g.: You want to use Mixedfetch, click on Mixedfetch on the readme or locate it from the repo. There will be a config.conf file, copy the contents and paste it in your own config.conf file, save the file and you're done!

  1. Backup your config. By running
cd ~/.config/neofetch/ && rename config.conf configbackup.conf config.conf

you save your current config in the file configbackup.conf.

  1. Clone this repository by running
git clone https://github.com/Chick2D/neofetch-themes/

in your preferred folder.

  1. Run
mv neofetch-themes/<folder>/<file> ~/.config/neofetch/config.conf

where <folder> is the section in this readme, while <file> is the file name of the config of this theme.

For example: If you want papirus, it'd be mv neofetch-themes/normal/papirus.conf ~/.config/neofetch/config.conf.


Send a pull request containing your file in the appropriate directory, a screenshot in the readme and it's name, you can understand the syntax yourself its very eay


I'd really appreciate any kind of support for me

I'd prefer if I got gifted an Amazon or a Cubelelo giftcard, just message me on Discord or Reddit