
Telegram chat logger

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Python script using Telethon to log all (or some) messages a user or bot account can see on Telegram.


  • Python 3.6 or newer
  • Python package dependencies: poetry install or pip install -r requirements.txt
  • A Telegram user or bot account


Set your api_id, api_hash and session in config.toml. You can get your api_id and api_hash from "API development tools" on https://my.telegram.org/. Note that this authenticates an app, not a user.

Before you start the script use the provided getStringSession.py to get your session string. You will be prompted for credentials. Upon successful authentication, it will start logging all messages it can see to stdout. docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/config.toml:/src/config.toml -v $(pwd):/src/getSessionString scr.somogyi.xyz/telegram-logger:latest sh (python getStringSession.py)

You can set enabled_chats and disabled_chats in the config to a list of chat IDs to control which chats should be logged (the default is all).


You can also run the script in docker or podman.

Build with podman build -t telegram-logger .

Run with podman run -v $(pwd)/config.toml:/src/config.toml -v $(pwd)/db:/src/db -d telegram-logger:latest