
A TeamSpeak3 server query bot

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Total Downloads Issues Open Latest Release

An open-source TeamSpeak 3 server query bot written in Java.


  1. Advertisement: Broadcasts a message to the whole server every X minutes.
  2. Afk Manager: Moves a client to a specific channel when being idle for more than X minutes.
  3. Name Checker:
    • Scans existing and new channels for forbidding words. On a match, the corresponding channel will either be deleted or renamed.
    • Scans all clients for forbidden words in their names. On a match, the corresponding client will either be kicked or warned.
  4. Recording Checker: Searches for clients that are recording in forbidden channels. The corresponding client will either be kicked from the server or the server (and warned).
  5. Support: When a client enters a certain channel, certain groups will be notified that a client requested help.
    • Optional: A sub-channel of the support-channel can be created once the client enters the specific channel
  6. Welcome-Message: Sends a message to certain groups when connecting to the server.

All features can be disabled by editing the corresponding configuration file, for more information please see here.

Getting Started


Download the latest release and upload the jar to your server.


Please ensure that the configuration file (ButlerSpeak.properties) is in the same directory as the jar and adjust the values to successfully connect to the server.

Please see here for further reference.


Before starting the jar, please ensure that Java is installed. You may do this by using java -version.

  • Starting the bot in the foreground: java -jar ButlerSpeak.jar
  • Starting the bot in the background: java -jar ButlerSpeak.jar &
  • Starting the bot with limited RAM usage: java -mx30M -jar ButlerSpeak.jar

Note that the file name may be different and that there are also other ways to start the jar.

ButlerSpeak Configuration

This bot is highly customizable by editing the corresponding configuration file. The following example illustrates how to set up the connection information and the query login credentials.


# The host to connect to.
# The server's port.
# The query's login credentials.
# The query port to connect to.

For a full example of the configuration file, please see here. The file should be in the same directory as the jar and needs to be called ButlerSpeak.properties, otherwise the bot cannot read your configuration file and will shut down. When you start the bot without a configuration file, the example will be copied and the bot shuts down. You need to adjust the file and restart the bot afterwards.

Note that you don't need the full configuration file when you're not using certain plugins. Thus, not using the AfkManager won't require you to add any afk property.

The following example illustrates how all features can be enabled:

# Defines which features should be enabled.
# 	welcome 		- The welcome messages
#	badname 		- The name checker for forbidden words
#	recording 		- The recording checker
#	support 		- The support handler
# 	advertisement 	        - The advertisement
# 	afk 			- The afk manager
bot.plugins=welcome, badname, recording, support, advertisement, afk

Questions, bugs or enhancements?

All features are tested multiple times on bigger servers, but you can still run into some issues. Also, please get in touch with me if you have any questions or suggestions for enhancements in future releases.

When any of the above matches your current situation, please let me know here. I'll try to help you as soon as possible.