
Lightweight but powerful access control for golang chi router

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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chakra allows you to easily add resource/operation based access control to https://github.com/pressly/chi

You can define any access control rules you want as a middleware - chakra will make sure they are checked.

Forcing security as you code with minimum overhead

chakra will:

  • build resource routes (identifiers) for your access checks
  • inject access control right before the last handlers in chain - not optional
  • not let you run your code without providing access control function - it will panic
  • not let you create new router without providing the next part of resource route or explicitly telling it to use parent one - it will panic

It's not airtight - you can still escape the added security, but it requires more effort than being secure. You can write a buggy access control function too - it can't help with that - but at least you won't forget to use it.

How to use it?

Almost exactly the same way you'd use chi

chi without access control

r := chi.NewRouter()
r.Mount("/api", func(r chi.Router){
    r = chi.NewRouter()
    r.Post("/endpoint1", handler1)

chakra - chi with access control

chakra.SetAC(myAccessControlRules) // you only do this once

r := chakra.NewRouter(chakra.UseParentRoute)
r.Mount("/api", func(r chi.Router){
    r = chakra.NewRouter("secure_api")
    r.Post("/endpoint1", handler1)

And you are DONE! - myAccessControlRules will be called right before handler1 to check permissions to POST to {"secure_api", "endpoint1"} resource


Example access control function



  • More examples
  • A lot of unit tests (and then some!)

Contributions are always welcome - fork it, do your thing, open a pull request!


Copyright (c) 2015 Maciej Lisiewski

Licensed under MIT License